ぼくめいた 7


作・絵 三浦良一

家族で食事をしてレストランからもどってきたら、なんとパーキングメーターの矢印がゼロ。女の子の腕時計では、確かにあと15分時間が残っているはずなのに。しかも フロントガラスのワイパーにはしっかり罰金20ドルのチケットがはさまっていたんだって。
女の子は プイっと横を向いていってしまいました。

You see, something happened once on the girl’s birthday.
She had left a restaurant after having dinner with her family,
and noticed that the time on the parking meter had gone down to zero.
However, according to the girl’s watch, she should have had 15 minutes left on her meter.
Not only that, but stuck between the windshield wiper
of the car was a $20 parking ticket.
“So much for having a fun birthday!”
“My watch… I know it’s old, but it was an old birthday present from my grandmother…
I just got it fixed, so now it’s as good as new.
I know it can’t be wrong – it must be the parking meter!
If it was another human who made the error, I could complain
but I can’t do anything if it’s a machine!”
That’s what motivated the girl to choose that topic for her independent study.
“But, you see! We’re working so hard!”
“I’m not so sure about that…”
The girl said, then turned to the side.     (to be continued)