ぼくめいた 16


作・絵 三浦良一

カチコチ カチコチ おなかが歌う
いまでは、デジタルくんやレシート式メーターくんがほとんどだけどね、働けるうちは みんなの役にたちたいんだ。
だって ぼくは この仕事が 気にいってるからね。
どこかの街で見かけたら みんな、ボクに声をかけてね!


30 years have passed since then.
The town and scenery around me may have completely changed,but I’m still here, keeping an eye on the cars around me. Now, the parking meters around me are mostly digital or receipt type meters. I want to continue working with everyone for as long as I can because I love my job. So if you see me around, please come say hi to me!

(to be continued)